Waiting List Information

All my woodwork is custom made, after you place your order. Wait times vary depending on my workload and the intricacy of the item you order - anywhere from two weeks to several months. Please contact me before placing your order if you have any questions. Thanks!

Deathly Hallows Part 2 Premiere Party - Junction Megaplex

Well, it's getting close - the conclusion to the Harry Potter movies - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Megaplex Theaters at the Junction, in Ogden, Utah, has invited Muggle Wandmaker back to do live wandmaking demonstrations, and of course, to arm movie goers, so that they're not defenseless during the Battle of Hogwarts - it's going to be AWESOME - I can't wait to see how the movies are wrapped up.

Anyway, I'm now madly turning out wands as fast as I can, with of course my normal close attention to detail notwithstanding the rush. I'm making the jewell-handleded wands first, then the ebony and other exotic woods. Naturally business is also picking up, so if you want a custom wand in time for the movie, I'm going to have to ask for a few bucks extra. OR come by the movie theater and pick from my selection - I hope to have about 200 wands made in time.

We'll also have the occasional dueling contest. I'll teach you the rules. Muggles only, please - I don't want any REAL spells shooting around.

See you there soon!

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